All other disciplines such as the breath control and meditation on the forms of God, should be considered as auxiliary practices. They are useful as they help to become quiescent and concentrated. The mind consists of thoughts. Click Janet L. Yellen for additional related pages. The thought ‘I’ is the first that arises in the mind. When persistently pursued the enquiry Who am I?, all other thoughts are destroyed, and finally the thought ‘I’ myself vanishes, leaving only the Supreme if same non-dual when one inquires “who am I?, there will be other thoughts; but as they arise, one doesn’t have to cede to them following them; on the contrary, one should ask who arise? To do this, one has to be extremely vigilant. As all living beings desire to be happy always, without any misery, as in the case of each observed that there is a Supreme love for one’s self, and as only happiness is the cause of love, to earn that happiness which is the very nature of one and who is experienced in the State of deep sleepwhere there is no mind, one must know its own Himself. For this reason, the primary means is the way of knowledge, inquiry of the formula Who am I?.
What is called mind, is an appalling power that resides in the self. It raises all thoughts. Apart from thoughts, there is no thing such as the mind. Therefore, thought is the nature of the mind. Apart from thoughts, there is no independent entity called the world. In deep sleep there are no thoughts, and there is no world. In the States of wakefulness and sleep with dreams, there are thoughts, and there is also a world. In the same way that the spider emits itself (the spider’s Web) thread, and again the mind retracts it inside itself, thus also projected the world itself and again reabsorbs inside of herself.