The family also was dived in the appearance and she makes in it of accounts. I believe that many parents and mothers are dying before the time, for not obtaining to accomplish the convivncia in its familiar ones. The room aspect says respect to the form to act of many people, especially on to the work, where many leave to make its activities, in way well fact, for imagining that only the money goes to bring the happiness, in the work only desires to see the time to pass. These sad creatures do not reflect that the human being must leave its mark in this world and, for the work, can carrying through in them. Fifth, on one to excessively, we would say one of the main ones, says respect to the fact of the human being to lose the enchantment for the simple things of the life and, in the balburdia of the existence we leave to admire the daily one. We do not obtain more to appreciate sky, the stars, the sun the wonders of the universe. Quanta beauty that in you inebriate of the daily problems in moving away from the contemplation of the spectacles of the Creator, it seems that we are blind ahead of as much light. Not to enaltecer the negativismo and nor we are unbelieving in the human being, but we perceive that the illness of the disenchantment walks taking account of many creatures and this is not the way of the happiness. That the life can teaching in them that to be happy we need enchantment and not the opposite.