

The decade of 1980, with all its redemocratizao, promoted the first steps to breach with these forms of prejudiced representations of the black, representative personages of the afro-Brazilians had been beyond the confrontation of racial, social preconceptions and of sort. It had a concern with the writing, valuing the mythology and the religion of African matrix. A rupture with the model of disqualification of the deriving narratives of the African verbal traditions is also perceived and providing to a ressignificao of the importance of the figure materna (mother and grandmother) in the life of the child. Also we can perceive, according to analyses of Sousa (2005a), that the reproduced images and that compose the text of the didactic book if they show more diversified, less estereotipadas.' ' They the black personages pass to be represented with braids of African style, hairdos and suits variados.' ' (SOUSA, 2005a, P. 191) These transformations had happened for great effort and organization of the black movements, of the black women, in the turn of the century, the intention of positivizar the black personages through denunciations and claims, including in this space the study of the African culture and the releitura of the images and passivity of the black in the period escravocrata. All these and many other improvements had been and are being made and remade in relation to the images and history of the black personage in infanto-youthful literature, so that if it can construct or reconstruct the image of these since its infancy until the adult and aged life of the black and, thus, terms pride of this another part of our history that was brought and given to read of form so kept out of society, prejudiced, minimized. everything this, this disrespect that if it perceives, will only go to findar when the children will have more access the literary books or not on Africa, its histories, culture When the professors will have formation enough to argue on the subject, to present books that not only bring the black personage in histories, but its histories and memories We know that the cultural tradition of inferiorizao and subjugation of the Africans and its descendants is a pack weighed on the shoulders of that they are its representatives, however, exactly with all the imperfections, the gaps, the misfortunes, is it validates all quarrel concerning the construction, that exactly delayed, of a history of the African, the afro-Brazilian, of the black, so that, of today in ahead, they obtain to be proud and if to see as a black and not as brown, chocolate, but if they assume in its color, in its culture, its physical traces, its beauty, its histories.