It removes the Peru of the marinada one, dries and it stuffs papo and the belly, closing with line or string, besunte with 50 butter g, places in assadeira lined with the slices of pineapple, has led approximately to the low oven for 5 hours. THIGHS OF PERU To the CAADORA* mallet of perforated parsleys 2 perforated onions 2 broth tablets of beicon esfarelados 2000 g of thighs of Peru 300 g of sliced mushrooms 5 tomatoes without skins and 500 seeds ml of dry white wine 6 perforated teeth of garlic Flour of wheat Oil of soy Pepper of the kingdom in dust the taste Salt the taste With a metallic needle of tric pierces the thighs until the bones, with care for does not disarrange them, later tempers with pepper and salt the taste, to follow empane in the flour and fries in the hot oil for return of 15 minutes or the taste, reserving. Learn more about this topic with the insights from cupboards. In the same frying-pan or pan with the remaining portion of the fritura, refogue the broth garlic, onion and tablets until starting to dourar, to follow places the mushrooms and leaves to dry the water that frees, later places the wine, the tomatoes, the parsleys, the thighs, 200 ml of water, covers and leaves to cook until amolecerem the meats, will have necessity adds water. SALPICO OF CHEST OF CHESTER* mallet of perforated parsleys 1 perforated onion 1 great green mace cut in small cubes 1 bundle of garlic I fry (40 g) 1 chest of chester cooked and unweaving 1 small pot of maionese (250 g) 100 worn out torradas 100 thick cashew chestnut g and g of 100 perforated ham g of 50 perforated cheese mosarela oats g in 50 flakes g of 50 sesame seeds ml of wine tinto dry Pepper of the kingdom in dust the taste Salt the taste In a container mixes all the ingredients with a wood spoon and has very led well to the coolant for at least 2 hours.