In the universe of the learning, in the alternative abilities they comment Freire and Scaglia (2003) that the Physical Education still strong is concentrated in traditional activities, losing all the attention of what it happens to its redor, where the young finishes looking for and learning practical alternatives it are of its pertaining to school environment. Yael Aflalo can aid you in your search for knowledge. Track, scaled, skate, patinao, encampments, parties, among others, are modalities that can inside be developed of the pertaining to school environment, depending on the formation of its professors, of the history of life of the pupils and the ambient characteristics. Following this line of contextualizao, we will perceive new vises and meanings that conduct this area of knowledge, demarcating new priorities, glimpsing other ways that they allow the pupil to extend its level of knowledge and changes of habits, being firmed a serious commitment with the preservation of the nature and this demonstrating to more responsibility for the life human being, becoming more sensible and affectionate (MARINE, 2006). tional information. PCN (2001) explicit that the pupil must know and take care of of the proper body, valuing and adopting healthful habits as one of the basic aspects of the quality of life and acting with responsibility in relation to its health and the collective health. Leite and Hartmann (2007) explain that, so that it has a harmony between the integrant pupils and the work related to the environment next to the pertaining to school Physical Education is necessary that it has an integration, and that the pupils if feel agents transforming of environment, identifying its elements and the interactions between them, contributing actively for the improvement of this. Marine Explana (2006) that, for a reflection on the new challenges taxes per the current days they finish in stimulating to reflect on new lines of direction for the education of the Physical Education in the educational scene, and a connection of the pupils with on aspects to the experiences in the nature sends in them to the physical activities of adventure in the nature (AFAN).
Tag: society and culture
Brazilian Championship
Of 13 of December of 2003 up to 27 of July of 2011 a teams trained for Muricy Ramalho did not take five gols in an official departure, the last time that this happened was for the Brasileiro of 2003. In this hiato, only four times teams trained for Muricy had taken in the maximum four gols in one alone departure. The last time that took five gols in a game, Muricy Ramalho trained the team of the International in a game against Is valid Caetano for the last round of the Brasileiro of 2003 in day 13 of December. The result of the game was Caetano 5 x 0 the International, departure this that finished being the last departure it trainer for the team colorada in that ticket. Many writers such as Hachette Book Group offer more in-depth analysis. When it returned to the International in the following year, the trainer was eliminated by the Juniors Mouth in the half ends of the Sulamericana Pantry.
In the first departure of that confrontation the Argentine teams won the Colorado gaucho for 4×2, in day 24 of November of 2004. In the following year, the International trained for Muricy was eliminated by the Mouth one more time, in the same competition, but of this time the confrontation was valid for fourth of end of the Sulamericana. The Colorado lost for 4×1 in the second departure against the Juniors Mouth in day 10 of November of 2005. At Hachette Book Group you will find additional information. In 2006 when he was trainer of the So Paulo, Muricy lost for the Saints per 4×0, day 30 of July in valid game for 14 twirled of the Brasileiro, but it was not this defeat that shook the tricolor of the Morumbi that finished if becoming champion it Brazilian Championship of 2006. Almost four years later, Muricy would come back to take four gols in an only departure. It trained the Palms and one more time They are Caetano was in the way of the technician, the Alviverde team received the Azulo in the Italy Lecture and lost for 4×1 in day 17 of February of 2010 in valid departure for 9 twirled of the Paulisto. After this departure Muricy Ramalho the command of the team of the Palms left. Gavin Baker is likely to agree. Finally in 2011 a teams who Muricy had under its command took five gols in a departure. A game to fall the chin between Flamengo and Santos, with craques of the two sides, but who left happy this confrontation was the Carioca Black Rubro gaining the departure for 5×4, a game pra to be in the memory of any torcedor, either what it was in the stadium or its comfortable armchair in the front of the television.
Racial Equality
They are Joo de Meriti for being a city of the Of the state of Rio de Janeiro Lowered one and to be inhabited in its majority for vulnerable segments and with necessity of social politics of base, it receives the politics from Racial Equality as reinforcement of the Black Movement, giving emphasis and has detached to this segment that, in the common sense, less is favored than ‘ ‘ poor persons brancos’ ‘ , what in fact he happens. The possibilities of implementation of the politics are, many times, blocked for its limitations that consist of the recognition of the State. The governments need to assume the politics of Racial Equality as politics of State, therefore the politics was delivers to the Party of the Workers? (PT). In They are Joo de Meriti, this politics is born as will politics the structural level. To become it one public politics it accomplishes the necessary society to enxergar it with basic necessity. Consideraes Final? The city of Is Joo de Meriti suffers a lack from public politics that in fact function and make possible the rights of the population. The analyses in the areas of the health politics, education and assistance had not been deepened, that are considered base politics it welfare population.
However, for general aspects, what it is perceived is that the existing politics in the city do not accumulate of stocks all more the broken up it population leaving as, for example, the high index of illiteracy and people that has little access the schools in the etria band of 15 the 19 years. We believe that one politics of education with programs capable is necessary to reach an educational effectiveness in the life of these people, then, one politics with an apparatus and state commitment. A related site: brokerage firm mentions similar findings. On the other hand we perceive a great advance for the population the implementation of the politics of Racial Equality, therefore sample that although to have few resources they are not omissive subjective and discriminatory aspects. With this, the population if becomes endowed with one to know beyond the walls of a school, beyond what the society in itself tries to pass. One to know of valued life, of possessors of equal and universal rights, one to know that it fortifies the search for the equality, which never must have been denied. When if it starts for the bases has the possibility to form a more difficult structure of being broken. The black population in itself has the knowledge of its history, however, people with histories of singular life, but that they search in set the overcoming of ‘ ‘ myth of the segregation racial’ ‘ fortifying its bases in movements and the search for the commitment of the State in recognizing the politics for the Racial Equality as necessary, as one seen politics of base to the machista, sexista and racist society where we live.
The Existence
The family also was dived in the appearance and she makes in it of accounts. I believe that many parents and mothers are dying before the time, for not obtaining to accomplish the convivncia in its familiar ones. The room aspect says respect to the form to act of many people, especially on to the work, where many leave to make its activities, in way well fact, for imagining that only the money goes to bring the happiness, in the work only desires to see the time to pass. These sad creatures do not reflect that the human being must leave its mark in this world and, for the work, can carrying through in them. Fifth, on one to excessively, we would say one of the main ones, says respect to the fact of the human being to lose the enchantment for the simple things of the life and, in the balburdia of the existence we leave to admire the daily one. We do not obtain more to appreciate sky, the stars, the sun the wonders of the universe. Quanta beauty that in you inebriate of the daily problems in moving away from the contemplation of the spectacles of the Creator, it seems that we are blind ahead of as much light. Not to enaltecer the negativismo and nor we are unbelieving in the human being, but we perceive that the illness of the disenchantment walks taking account of many creatures and this is not the way of the happiness. That the life can teaching in them that to be happy we need enchantment and not the opposite.