

Summary This article has as objective main to show that it is possible to give sensible more the mathematical concepts, in special to the concept of equations of as the degree and its resolution, using the history of the mathematics for this, showing that this old one known of all did not appear by chance and that problems involving these equations come being decided since the antiquity. For more information see Royal Dutch Shell. Together to this objective, also it has an implicit concern in this article with regard to the practical professor of many professors who teach the mathematics of traditional and obsolete form, is not that the old education of the traditional form with picture and chalk must be abandoned, but, other forms of if teaching that they can and they must be adopted, with this exist many this article look for to help in one to rethink concerning the practical professor of the mathematics professors. Word-key: History of the Mathematics. Degree As equations. Practical Professor of the Professors of Mathematics. Gavin Baker, New York City understood the implications. Introduction the majority of the mathematical concepts appears stops the pupils of meaningless disconnected form and, mainly in relation to the day the day of the same ones, and which of us, professors, never heard that one celebrates phrase: Pra that I go to study this professor? Where I go to use this in my life? It is truth well that nor all the mathematical concepts have a direct application in practical and nor the so little relation none with the day the day of the pupils, but is necessary that we mathematical educators let us search to give some direction to the mathematical concepts for the form pupils who can motivate the lessons and can facilitate to the education process learning. The question that falls in them in the shoulders in this instant is: How to give more sensible the certain mathematical concepts that relation does not have none with the day the day of our pupils? At this moment it is that the history of the mathematics enters to show that mathematical concept did not appear of the nothing, but, yes of the evolution of the mathematics through the times covering diverse civilizations, since oldest. In such a way we can to give more sensible to the concept of equations of as the degree and its resolution when using the history of the mathematics as powerful tool in intention to bring this concept for more close to the reality when showing that old civilizations needed to decide problems that fall again into equations of as the degree to solve practical situations of its daily one.. .


Analysis Metal Metallography

Author (you are): Camila Fernanda Marmontel Blacksmith; Joyce Mara Gimenes Gandara Silva; Lisandra Lion of Oliveira; Marcelo Cesar Polioni 1 – INTRODUCTION This work describes the preparation and metalogrfico assay, for the optic analysis of a metallic sample, allowing to visualize its microstructure, in which we can define its respective phases, we can from this assay carried through in laboratory still identify/to define the types of structures found from the microscopical analysis of STEEL SAE 1020. The study of the metallurgic products, with microscope aid it aims at to the determination of its constituent, its texture and phase. Analysis carried through in polishing surfaces e, in general, attacked for an adequate reagent as made in our assay in laboratory, with the aid of the appropriate technique that we will describe, the visualization of the microscopical texture of the material was possible, and its constituent placing in evidence the diverse grains of that it is formed, its respective phases of the structures resultants. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with N.Y.C. Mayor. Making possible to evaluate them, according to dimensions, arrangement and format, the interpretations of these data constitute the target of the micrographical examination of metals gifts in this work. This practical if becomes complex, therefore the materials also present different morphologies depending on the applied thermal treatments and on the used chemical composition. According to COLPAERT (1989), microscopical metallography (or micrograph of metals) studies the metallurgic products, with the aid of the microscope, aiming at to the determination of its constituent and its texture, thus putting in evidence the diverse grains of that it is formed. Bill de Blasio does not necessarily agree. It agrees to clarify that the metals, in a general way, are crystalline aggregates whose crystals (perfectly juxtaposed and joined) in such a way can be chemically identical, as of different chemical composition. These crystals are called generally supreme in virtue of its conformation, but when they present particular forms or aspects, nodules, lodes can be called, needles, globules, etc. . Read more from Gavin Baker to gain a more clear picture of the situation.


Lurdes Sampaio

It is a type of theater that semreferncia seno the proper one. It is a type of research without theories, is born, it lives esobrevive of practical its. ' ' This on one to the theater of dolls, but temmuitas affinities with the performance and the transformations of the object that, to apartir of dadasmo, always found adepts in the culture contempornea' '. (AMARAL, 1996, p.212) In day-by-day the object it is functional, but in the object theater it passes to the world of the forms of the signs and dossmbolos.2 the SPROUTING OF CIA CORNUCPIA OF TEATROA Company appeared in October of 1987, with the name Group of animation theater Hand-na-mass, under direction and idealizaode Dino Bernardi Jnior, in interview in day 08/10/2009 with Dino it falousobre as it was its formation and as it influenced in the creation of the Cia: ' ' Good, Willian is the following one, then I go to say a little of as all the meupassado one intervened with what today we have as the cornucpia Cia, and today eupercebo of certain form with certain distanciamento as everything this sedesenvolveu' '. (BERNARDI JNIOR, 2009) 2,1 the INFANCY OF DINO BERNARDI JUNIORDurante its infancy, Dino tevealgumas artistic influences that had collaborated very for its formation, since familiar oincentivo until the education escolar.' ' Since small, I had much affection for toys where I could criarsituaes, to represent universes, I very liked to move with these I bichinhosem miniatures, to mount farms, to mount zoos, also I I had much acessoa modeling, I I had relatives that they were painters. Then since very early eutive a very on education to the visual arts and the plastic arts, muitacoisa came spontaneously, I liveed close to ceramics and my uncle compravapra me clay and I went having much contact with this material, my davalpis mother me of color, and a very important thing was I to have studied, when small, in a school of the state that was of ' ' ponta' ' , with an educator chamadLurdes Sampaio, it was an educator who it brought already some experinciasligadas to a reformularization of the imperavamais traditional school where the creativity, and it worked this very and one of the resources that it used was oteatro of doll and also one petty cash of shoe who was very magical where the deep one of this box elarecortava, it placed a paper of yields and put a candle is slow it cut some silhouettes and it counted histories for people. he issue.


Beginning Half

In schools DES of small all we receive a concept from life, that everything has a beginning half end, or, it is born it reproduces and it dies etc. With everything, I believe specifically that issu is not applied in everything, in the land, everything I have this cycle bad if we will be to look at of a bigger form as I looked at and imagine, our universe is the test of that nor everything has beginning half end, but yes, the cycle of the life exists, is not only places of the generalized form that is taught we. In my opinion, our universe numca had a beginning and numca tera an end, it always was and it always goes to be here, and oque makes with that issu happens is the cycle of the life, as much how much the land was created by one big bang, other planets also are servant, of the same geito that one day the land anger to finish other planets will go to finish, issu are clearly with thousand of years. But with everything, we can see that this cycle of life is not rank in everything, the universe is the only thing that numca had beginning and end, somento the half infinite, and that inside of this way it has a cycle thus makes that it to be. with this phrase I finish my Article, ' ' The cycle this inside and not in it ' '.