(translated from fr. Modern) appeared on the verge of XIX and XX centuries. The main idea of modernism was to create a beautiful, which is so lacking in my life, 'the healing beauty of life. " The idea to combine professional art creation and production of household goods has caused a revolution in the arts and crafts. Based on the best of what existed in the old styles, Art Nouveau brings to this new spirit.
The main emphasis is on design combination of decorative and structural elements. For the Art Nouveau style was characterized by the use of most modern for that time, materials and considerable freedom in interior design decision. A home should be unique reflect the personality of the owner. 'No home should be like no other! " – This was the motto of Architects. Nouveau alien all that is characteristic of classicism, he will not accept a perfect, proper, strict, monumental.
This style focuses on nature, the living, breathing. Hence the most expressive form of modernity – a smooth, soft, live line. The decor of floral design is used. Interior design style Art Nouveau is characterized by open space, different levels of sex, wide window openings, stained glass windows. Modern combines the seemingly incongruous – European and Oriental traditions of registration of premises. Free planning, characteristic of modernity, borrowed from the Japanese home. Zoning paid great attention to the premises. It is in the modern era have been used screens, often with intricate patterns. The furnishings were used black lacquer and mother of pearl. Modern furniture of good quality and respectable. In the decoration of furniture developed in two directions: decorative, where the furniture is dominated by a stylized floral design, and structural, which requires a minimum of decoration. On the facades as a decoration can be applied ceramics, wrought iron with floral ornaments. For modern furniture is actual very different: both antique and cutting-edge. Today, as you can to recreate the style of the last century, modern, and adapt it to current fashion trends – the use of modern furniture, like kitchen combines stainless steel and wood. Modern Materials kitchen fronts provide scope for creativity. MDF can be covered with plastic film, acrylic, lacquer and enamel wide range of colors (metallic, chameleon, "starry sky", etc.). Very popular are the kitchen, the front part of which made of glass and acrylic. These materials make it possible to use a huge palette of colors and have a glossy surface. Kitchen Art Nouveau is characterized by the use of bold colors and unusual accessories. Modern is still very popular because it is flexible and focused on technological advances all the time developing society. This style is changing with time, so within the framework of modernity may be very different design solutions.