
Italian Mafia

Moreover, the definition of force or coercion in the draft version of the International Protocol to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons especially women and children, covering both physical and psychological coercion. a Force or coercion includes obtaining or maintaining threat or act through labor, services, or other activities of a natural person, legal, psychological or mental coercion or abuse of authority. The force or coercion of a person implies the reasonable belief that it has no viable alternative, but to do the work, service or activity, whether it is factually correct or not. Check with closets to learn more. The definition also includes an expansion of abusive credit and debt bondage, threats of force, violence or harm to the victim or victim's family or illegal restriction of freedom of movement and, although this is not an element necessary. In addition to the force and coercion, another frequent topic of discussion is the extent of organized crime involvement in trafficking in the U.S. industry, and the definition of organized crime.

Traditionally, organized crime is related to self-perpetuating, hierarchical professional organizations, such as the infamous Italian Mafia families. The definition of organized crime used by the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, which is currently under negotiation and expected to ready for ratification before the end of 2000, identifies smaller and less organized structures. a An organized professional group is a structured group of three or more persons existing for a period of time and which has the aim of committing a felony, to directly or indirectly to obtain a financial or other material benefit .