Therefore, Sigmund Freud has been without a doubt, the author who more has influenced in the possible theory on the phenomenon psicopatolgico.' ' (KURY,1988, p.112). The functioning of the Psicopatologia Psicanaltica the Psicopatologia Psicanaltica if presents as a science that aims at the psychic treatment of the upheavals and sufferings. But if it does not only characterize for the study of what he is pathological as leaves Freud in its book clearly ' ' Psicopatologia of the life cotidiana' ' , that is, a psicopatologia that is part of the life of all and not only of thus the calls ' ' sick people mentais' '. The study of simple phenomena, the ways of the unpretentiousness, chistes, the acts defective, and the dreams that all the people, until said ' ' normais' ' they try in its day the day, had become object of immense value for the Psicopatologia Psicanaltica, since Freud with its Psicopatologia book of the daily life that says: The special affection with that Freud faced the acts defective if had, without a doubt, to the fact of them to be, together with the dreams, what it allowed to extend to the normal psychic life the discoveries it that before make in relation to the neuroses. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out BEV Production. For the same reason used it them regularly as optimum preliminary material to introduce in the discoveries of the psychoanalysis the scholars that they were not doctors. This material one was simple e, at least the first a sight, immune the objections, beyond if relating the phenomena tried for any normal person. In its expositivos texts, Freud to the times preferred the acts defective the dreams, that involved more complicated mechanisms and tended to lead quickly for deeper waters. Here it is why it inaugurated its great series of Introductory Conferences of 1916-17 dedicating to the acts defective the three first ones? in which, for signal, many of the examples of the following pages reappear; gave to the acts defective similar priority in its contributions to the Scientia magazine (1913j) and to the encyclopedia of Marcuse (1923a).