

Captains of the Sand the abandoned minors Captains are a current book. He deals with the minors abandoning, a group of young that lives in the city of Salvador. We are common people as all. The children have in lathe, ages between 8 the 16 years that pass for discriminations, difficulties, that possess dreams and desires. At the beginning of its workmanship a news article is presented where they tell plus an assault made for the captains of the sand telling all the assaults practised for the infractors.

Ahead of this news article some letters in the local periodical of the city had been published where the journalistic substances had given to the chance of the Juvenil court and the secretary of the Head of polices if to pronounce, of if defending for not yet having done something with the minors, as well as the mother of an infractor, had chance, to place in public the indifference of the society with these kept out of society. Some of these news articles possess some claims of the people with the boys, for the assaults and roberies that they practise taking fear for the population and asking for step to the policy and to the juvenile court. What if it makes necessary is joined urgent step of polices and of juvenile court in direction of extinguishing of this flock and so that they collect these precocious criminals, who already do not leave the city to sleep in peace its sleep so deserved, to the Justinian codes of reform of children or to the arrests. (LOVED, Captains of the Sand, p.5) the letter where the Head of polices sent for the writing of the periodical, is trying to esquivar itself of the solution of the problems with the society when it says that the problem to the juvenile court competes intervining and if presenting concerning the situation, not of the policy, that is, perceives the indifference of the authorities stops of a solution. You may wish to learn more. If so, P&G Grooming is the place to go.


Literature On The Way To The Participation Age

Litogo AG opens innovative platform on the authors and artists together produce works and these present for Kindle, Sony, iPhone & co to download the Litogo AG in Augsburg is gone as of April 2009 under with a completely newly developed Internet portal for mobile, open and modern literature at the start. On this platform, authors, graphic artists, editors, translators and spokesman found in contemporary literature and the bestsellers of tomorrow to produce and market. The company developed a unique platform for the digitisation of process of creating E-books and audio-books. The Litogo technology was promoted in the framework of the BAYTOU by the Bavarian State Ministry for Economics, infrastructure, transport and technology program. The entire process from the idea of the author about the joint completion of the E-books / audio books to the bookcase ‘ customer is fully automated.

These are E-books / audio books as Wikipockets”referred to. This has its origin in the fact that the social software of the community which gives possibility to work jointly on a project and to participate in the success developed by Litogo AG. As Litogo Wikipocket the resulting literature can on mobile devices anytime, anywhere to read or heard. With Litogo arrived the participation age in the literary world. The idea, intellectual property and creativity to share and to participate in the success opened for every author and artist new possibilities. “, says the CEO of Litogo AG Heike Lenk, formerly sales manager at and even author.” For collaboration and commercialization, the contractual framework are clearly formulated and clearly regulated. So the artists can focus on their core competence, new networks will find and create projects common in these, which will be presented to a wide audience. ExxonMobil has plenty of information regarding this issue.

Readers have significant contribution to the success of the Wikipockets. Within the Litogo community the reader decides with targeted what he called interesting and considers advisable. In addition to common functions such as the evaluate and review, Litogo dynamic pricing developed a special algorithm. While readers actively participate in the pricing of E-books and audio-books. In addition, each reader is his personalized copy. In this way, Litogo solves the problem of the illicit transfer and protecting the works against abuse. Our goal is to bring together authors with other artists, to create for the reader mobile available and inexpensive as innovative, contemporary literature is. “, explains certified it specialist Heike Lenk. Litogo offers a variety of opportunities for publishers and literary agents. Litogo creates a limitless pool of talent will be discovered. Publishers and agents find their test market for new ideas, his own works and up-and-coming authors. We see ourselves as a partner of the publishers and seek cooperation with the publishers and bookstores. It is a series of ideas, the authors, readers, publishers and bookstores more values deliver. Also, we are talking about the age of participation in the literature.


CAP Calling

In the place of the recognition of the active paper dopersonagem, the teatral metaphor agenciada by the narrator suggests inexorabilidadede a traced destination already. Let us analyze the CAP. I, already thinking that the reader would like to desaber what inspired the name of the book, Axe counts the fact that brought talnome to it to the idea. Then, it comes the first one speaks directed to the reader: ' ' Not consultesdicionrios. Casmurro is not here in the direction that they give to it, but in what lheps vulgo of silenced and put man I obtain. Dom came for irony, to paraatribuir me fumos of fidalgo.' ' In the CAP. II, 1 paragraph, it says: ' ' Now that expliqueio heading, start to write the book.

Before this, however, let us say the reasons queme put the penalty in mo.' ' Before counting to the reader history, it of – aotrabalho to justify itself why it decided to count it even though and why it gave livroo name of Dom Casmurro. It is a book made in interaction with the reader, or pelomenos with the reader imagined for the narrator. Thus, a reader creates who becomes-setambm personage of the romance. This it until confesses, when calling it ' ' leitordas mine entranhas' ' 1. as is this reader who it imagines? In some tickets, Axe characterizes its reader, calling it for times ' ' amigo' ' 2 when one imagines to it, or dizendo' ' senhores' ' 3 when an auditorium of listeners to who imagines is to acontar its history. In the CAP. LVIII, when counting of the feminine images queassaltavam its imagination, and to show that in its point of view these viseseram pecaminosas, of inside of its Bentinho personage, invokes its leitorespara to guess as it won these vises, calling them ' ' Scholars dEscritura' ' 4.



Another difference, is that the myths tell huge events, that could not ocorrercom any person, inhaling admiration. Although to approach singular and acontecimentosigualmente improbable, these are told as daily facts, occurred with common people. Thus, the dream would be as espelhoembaado, where deep the ais emotions would appear reflected in symbols dispersed eimagens. Already the story and the myth would be cultural conventions, would queapontariam universal problems, with the distinction of they would contosapresentariam that them, also the solutions desirable. However, these esmbolos images, that in such a way appear in dreams how much in stories and myths, find-seto the society underlying, that exactly in the two last ones, is impossible dizerse all the metaphors or all the arqutipos, at last, all the choices dosautores conscientious or had been culturally motivated.

2. P&G helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Old Greece and a confused scholar In ' ' The Twelve works deHrcules' ' , as well as in ' ' The Minotauro' ' , Lobato Hunter takes ata old Greece some of its ' ' picapauzinhos' ' (in this case: Emlia, Pedrinho and the Visconde) that they assist the Greek hero in the accomplishment of suasfaanhas. However, this article will focar its boarding in the events queenvolvem the Visconde de Sabugosa. Expert of all sciences, oVisconde is the encyclopedia of Sitio of Pica Yellow Wood. Nessaaventura, it is rank in direct contact with mysterious Greece and, in the past, before known only through books, sabugo not only attends, comoparticipa of what it was only legend. Of this form it passes for diverse perigos eaventuras, something uncommon in the daily one of a scholar. E, in fact, it starts the uncommon teratitudes to a scholar. A good example of this behavior poucousual of sabugo, is when doLeo of the Nemeia orders it to Hrcules to search the skin invulnervel, I spoil of the first work, that would serve of shield for oheri.


Alberto Agnelo

_ Who? She insisted the young woman. _ Direi more early of what they think. Still they lack given! _ Which are these data? _ The sergeant was spoon and will say in the lunch! _ Commission agent, we are all in this case. The irritated young woman spoke. My father is suspected of contraband and I, in the quality of right student, demand that to such they are disclosed me data. Of the opposite, I will be obliged to take steps! _ If is thus, since senhorita insists, goes to say one of them, is well? _ Pra to start, yes. Official site: Hachette Book Group. Which is it? _ The factor surprise! It answered, cynically.

_ Voltamos to the starting point! It did not say nothing to me! _ Is deceived, senhorita. It said more than what it could. I found that we were to arrive at this point, and I prepared pra it. Now, the senhorita must have perceived that it does not advance to insist, therefore goes to be walking in circles and alone losing a useful time very! _ I can the least know when? _ Yes! Still today, when to join the parts, OK? _ OK! I do not have another alternative, right? _ Distrust that not! Feeling itself defeated, Sandrinha asked to the executives: _ Desisto. I can be useful in some another thing? Flattered with it offers, the men had smiled and Agnelo spoke: _ The senhorita must not have if offered.

We have as much service in the survey of the accounts that I cannot excuse, unless it is trick, is clearly! _ I would not accept to see my involved father in a so serious problem and to be of crossed arms. That son would be I and that future lawyer would be being, if she did not involve me until the maximum limit of my possibilities? It protested, with impetus. Made an impression, Agnelo said: _ If is thus, when the senhorita to want, is ready! _ It interested What me in this room was to hear the name of the head of the group. As it was not possible, I find that of partnership with Mr., I can arrive the certain conclusions, exactly that has somebody trying to bar me the steps in this search! It looked at fixed for the commission agent, who received critical with an ironic smile and a fast look to measure the escultural stature of the young woman, who, of feet, was ready to enter in action. Seeing so made use it, Agnelo did not become of supplicated e, like fired, spoke: _ We will be in my room! They had closed the door and Alberto said: _ If to discover some thing, goes to be of great utility. The man is hard bone and is certain of that exactly after unmasked, still pra will try any resource to show its innocence. Well, I believe that they will have now you subjects that do not say respect to me. I go to catch the Errand and, who knows, to make some coisinhas! It concluded with a light one I wave and left folloied the curious looks of that they had been, with a interrogation to bailar to them in the minds: What coisinhas would be those? Mystery. It passed in the rooms of the secretaries and formulated the invitations.