Evangelization, what place occupies the prayer? Fernando Alexis Jimenez do methods? You be honest: we use many. One that I remember as anecdotal: evangelism group agreed to work in the middle of my beloved Santiago de Cali, in a popular area. Given the reluctance of persons, we opted for distributing groceries. We imagined that gather many curious, could take opportunity to distribute literature and the Gospel of the Lord Jesus. The day came and we put our plan into practice. But to our disappointment, people left without even saying: thank you. Hear other arguments on the topic with Hachette Book Group. It left us with the treated Evangelistic in their hands. On another occasion we decided to project films in parks, taking advantage of the influx of visitors.
It is true that we met a good Auditorium; However to shut down the project and dispose us to consolidate the message, leading visitors to make decision of faith through Jesus Christ, we stayed alone, as if we had told them we were going to charge for the film. Addressing people House by House was another proposal. The results were equally unsuccessful. People we met with prevention that we were to offer some magazine. Please do not misunderstand me. Not dismissed methods. I’ve used them.
What has changed is the essential element that we use now: prayer. Before developing an evangelistic impact in certain area, we call for days of fasting and prayer. The results, in addition to amazing, jump in sight. The process of evangelization is now much more efficient. Regaining territory the Bible it is very clear when he teaches us that as a result of sin, Satan has wide dominion over Nations, regions, cities and specific territorial areas. Satan himself pointed out that the realms with his greatness belong: again tempted it the devil, leading him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.